

  • 互通行:(可在香港及深圳使用)內含一塊FeliCa晶片,在八達通讀卡器使用時與普通八達通無異,在深圳使用時,讀卡器使用FeliCa模式進行交易(與舊版深圳通相同,而不是新版深圳通的Type A)。該卡同時擁有八達通和深圳通的Area和System Code(FeliCa術語,即一個完全獨立的、有各自的存取條件的讀寫空間)參考
  • 八達通·嶺南通:(可在香港及支援「廣東省公交一卡通標準應用」地區使用,不包括深圳地鐵)內含兩張晶片及兩組天線,一個使用FeliCa規格,另一個使用Type A規格。事實上就是將普通八達通和普通嶺南通的內容塞進一張卡裏面。你自己拿一張一般成人版八達通和羊城通自行用膠水粘在一起也能達到同樣效果。另外本卡為本地版嶺南通,並不是交通互聯。參考
  • 八達通·嶺南通(「一卡一芯雙錢包」):(使用範圍同上)聲稱只含一張晶片和一組天線。具體情況我沒有找到,但是Sony從來都沒有推出過支援雙制式的FeliCa晶片,而FeliCa是封閉技術,不可能是國產晶片支援FeliCa,因此更有可能的是雙晶片共用一條天線。具體情況要有實物才能作準。
  • 深港一卡通:(可在香港和交通聯合城市使用,即包括深圳地鐵,但是錢包分開)本卡估計只含Type A晶片,而晶片內則含有八達通和交通聯合的儲存空間,並採用中國的PBOC 2.0標準。2021年,八達通的讀卡器陸續支援NFC Type A,因此不再必須使用FeliCa:參考。本卡背面有「D」字樣,代表本卡並沒有載有嶺南通或深圳通的程式,而只有交通聯合程式(交通聯合標記的地區應該是深圳),這代表在某些地區使用無法享受嶺南通獨有優惠(如江門)。
  • 八達通 – 全國通卡:(可在香港和交通聯合城市使用,即包括深圳地鐵,全部以港元結算)技術上與上述相同,只是使用港元結算,匯率在增值時更新,亦可使用八達通App更新。參考



  • 參考
  • 三地公交卡:(澳門,中山,珠海,同時支援閃付功能):由於支援閃付,必然使用Type A, PBOC 2.0的晶片,並載有閃付儲存空間。中山和珠海的本地卡是可以兩地共通的(不是嶺南通或交通聯合),而澳門通官網亦表示本卡為內置珠海公交通達卡。當時(2013年)本地珠海通及澳門通為使用Mifare Classic 1K。因此有珠海及澳門通共存在一個模擬Mifare卡的可能,但更有可能的是與下者相同,使用PBOC 2.0標準,載有兩地的儲存空間。
  • 粵澳公交一卡通/澳門通.嶺南通:(澳門及支援「廣東省公交一卡通標準應用」地區,亦有銀聯閃付功能)嶺南通和閃付支援代表必然使用Type A, PBOC 2.0的晶片,並載有嶺南通及閃付的儲存空間。當時(2013年)澳門通仍然使用Mifare Classic 1K,因此有可能澳門通功能是透過模擬Mifare卡實現的,但亦有可能當時的讀卡機已經更新,而只需要按照PBOC 2.0標準,加入澳門通儲存空間即可跨境使用。(普通澳門通要到2015年才開始使用PBOC 2.0標準,亦即CPU卡)


一通粵新:(新加坡及支援「廣東省公交一卡通標準應用」地區)本地的EZ-Link為使用Type B技術,理論上不太可能與Type A的嶺南通用一張晶片實現。因此,更有可能的是EZ-Link讀卡器支援Type A(大部分的讀卡器都應同時支援兩個技術),並在一塊Type A晶片中同時載有嶺南通的PBOC 2.0錢包和EZ-Link (CEPAS)的儲存空間。因Type A/B不同FeliCa,只是無線傳輸編碼方式不同,儲存空間和指令都可以是一樣(FeliCa則有完全不同的儲存格式和指令格式),因此並不需要為了本卡而做大更改。參考

While I'm sure that switching away from the use of words like "blacklist" will not do anything regarding racial equality, but since we're at it, can't we choose a less ambiguous alternative?

The current alternatives like "allowlist", "trusted list", "blocklist", "denylist" all have alternative connotations and can not be replaced one-to-one.

Therefore, I propose the terms "greenlist" and "redlist".

Random #5: Make YouTube great again!

My YouTube Home feed has more than 50% of the videos from channels I'm not even subscribed to, while many subscribed channels simply do not appear on my feed.

The shift in recent years in social media from "telling the system what you like" to "system telling you what you like" is troublesome. The fact is we know what we want, and not watching a certain channel for a few weeks doesn't mean we will never want to watch it (that's what the Unlike or Unsubscribe button is for!).

I argue that there are two types of content that one watches: funny, quick, one-off content, and actually interesting, lengthy, in-depth content. Examples of the former includes (and these are directly from my YouTube feed right now) Microsoft Sam Beatbox Duet, 1996 Pontiac Grand Pix Recall: interesting for when you are relaxing, but I basically don't want to see anything like it anymore after watching it. Examples of the latter would be: The Impact of 6GHz on Network Design, PS5 Slim First Look and TEARDOWN!!, or I Visited the Most Depressing Town in Singapore.

Suggesting new content is great to help discover new channels and give visibility to new creators, but there is a limit to it: there is a reason a user decide to subscribe to a channel instead of just watching it and leave, and since the algorithm does not know how the user liked it or not (who cares about the like button anymore??), it is idiotic to suggest this much new content to a user just because the user fell for two clickbaity videos two times in a row.

Going back to the two types of content. Please, only ever suggest a few of the first type, and never the same topic over and over. For the second type, please, prioritize what we literally said we liked, instead of filling my entire feed with train videos (yes I like trains, but I also like many other things that I literally told the algorithm by subscribing).

Thanks for listening. After seeing the 20th Burger King Pokeball recall advertisement parody being suggested just because a few weeks ago I felt bored and watched a few in a row, I decided that I have to write something about this.

Random #3

We used to think that with the internet, we can simply do everything at home: work at home, study at home, socialize at home, etc.

But with covid we learned that this often does not work as well as meeting in person because the location you're in and having people around you matters.

But I am not convinced. Save for doing sports, bars, restaurants, and dates where physical contact matters, most of the time you do not have physical contact with others. Then we can just use virtual reality (VR) to simulate the location you are in, with people around you.

隨寫 #2



Random #1

When you're feeling down, make a post (not story) on Instagram. People usually like your post when they see it, and you get a notification every time a person does it, kind of like telling you "you're doing great"!

On the other hand, when you post a story, people usually don't reply to people's story unless it's really good. So posting stories usually makes you feel sad because you think your content is not that great.

Or maybe just call someone, idk.