While I'm sure that switching away from the use of words like "blacklist" will not do anything regarding racial equality, but since we're at it, can't we choose a less ambiguous alternative?

The current alternatives like "allowlist", "trusted list", "blocklist", "denylist" all have alternative connotations and can not be replaced one-to-one.

Therefore, I propose the terms "greenlist" and "redlist".

How to buy PASMO and Suica in 2024

Even though the official sites and notices in stations are all trying to convince you that there is no way you can buy a PASMO and Suica right now, scaring all visitors without iPhones away, there are still ways you can buy one now.

Suica/PASMO for Tourists: Welcome Suica / PASMO PASSPORT

This is the officially recommended way, even though they are sold in just a few locations. Also, they expire after 28 days and you cannot refund the unused charged money inside, so I personally do not recommend this. For those working and studying, this is basically useless. You can check out their official sites for where you can still buy them: PASMO PASSPORT, Welcome Suica

Regular Suica: JR East Travel Service Center

As JR did not announce this at all and just secretly updated their visitor-facing website, it got very little media attention. I went to ask the staff a while ago, and I was told that even though they are intended only for tourists, they will not check for documents like passports. This is probably your best bet if you happen to be in one of the stations. Check this link out: JR East Travel Service Center.

Regular Suica: buy a 1-day pass

This approach has the obvious benefit that it can be bought in basically every single JR station. Even though the official website mentioned that only children and monthly pass Suica are still sold, 1-day passes can also be issued on a new Suica. So if your trip has a day where using a one-day JR pass is beneficial (if you live in the west side like Nakano, a round-trip to Kasai Rinkai Park is already worth the cost of the Tokunai Pass!), go to a black ticket machine (that sells monthly pass), and choose the option that issues a new Suica. Check the following video but choose the new Suica option instead!

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Probably the only way to buy a regular PASMO: One-day pass

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2024年買 PASMO 和 Suica(西瓜卡) 的方法

雖然官方網站和車站各處還是都是標貼 Suica 和 PASMO 停售的通告,對沒有 iPhone 或日本 Android 手機的人很是嚇人,但是大家也知道是有辦法的。在本文我想總結一下已知的購買交通系IC卡的方法和已經失效的方法,其中購買 PASMO 的方法更是不見有人提起,而且昨天(2月24日)親身測試成功!

遊客版 Suica/PASMO:Welcome Suica / PASMO PASSPORT

專為遊客推出的 Welcome Suica 和 PASMO PASSPORT 是官方建議的方式,但28天後就失效而且不能退餘額非常麻煩,對來日本留學工作的人也毫無用處。但是適合的話可以參考以下連結:PASMO PASSPORTWelcome Suica

普通 Suica:JR東日本旅行服務中心


普通 Suica:購買一日乘車票

雖然官方通告提起只有兒童和「定期票」(即月票)還有繼續發行 Suica,但是一日乘車票等卻沒有提起,但其實是包括的。所以如果有一天行程有適合的 JR 一日券(760yen可以任意乘搭JR在東京23區的路線很划算啊!如果住西面的話來回一次葛西臨海公園就已經超過回本了),就可以在車站用黑色(能買定期券)售票機,選擇購買一日票然後選擇發行新的 Suica。用法可以參考以下影片,但是到選擇是否用原本的 Suica 的時候要選擇新Suica!

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可能是唯一購買普通 PASMO 的方法:購買一日券

有些人可能因各種原因(好看?想買京王+東京Metro一日券?)想買 PASMO 而不要 Suica。原理與 Suica 一日券相同,方法也差不多。但是不同的是 PASMO 有很多使用的公司,而有些公司的售票機可能不賣 PASMO,而每間公司的界面也有點不同。

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澳門輕軌的世界極品動態路線圖 - 有十年時間都無心改善


小學生電腦課應該都能設計出來的簡陋設計。圖片由維基媒體用戶LN9267拍攝,以CC BY-SA 4.0條款授權。






Random #5: Make YouTube great again!

My YouTube Home feed has more than 50% of the videos from channels I'm not even subscribed to, while many subscribed channels simply do not appear on my feed.

The shift in recent years in social media from "telling the system what you like" to "system telling you what you like" is troublesome. The fact is we know what we want, and not watching a certain channel for a few weeks doesn't mean we will never want to watch it (that's what the Unlike or Unsubscribe button is for!).

I argue that there are two types of content that one watches: funny, quick, one-off content, and actually interesting, lengthy, in-depth content. Examples of the former includes (and these are directly from my YouTube feed right now) Microsoft Sam Beatbox Duet, 1996 Pontiac Grand Pix Recall: interesting for when you are relaxing, but I basically don't want to see anything like it anymore after watching it. Examples of the latter would be: The Impact of 6GHz on Network Design, PS5 Slim First Look and TEARDOWN!!, or I Visited the Most Depressing Town in Singapore.

Suggesting new content is great to help discover new channels and give visibility to new creators, but there is a limit to it: there is a reason a user decide to subscribe to a channel instead of just watching it and leave, and since the algorithm does not know how the user liked it or not (who cares about the like button anymore??), it is idiotic to suggest this much new content to a user just because the user fell for two clickbaity videos two times in a row.

Going back to the two types of content. Please, only ever suggest a few of the first type, and never the same topic over and over. For the second type, please, prioritize what we literally said we liked, instead of filling my entire feed with train videos (yes I like trains, but I also like many other things that I literally told the algorithm by subscribing).

Thanks for listening. After seeing the 20th Burger King Pokeball recall advertisement parody being suggested just because a few weeks ago I felt bored and watched a few in a row, I decided that I have to write something about this.

Transferring file over high-bandwidth, high-latency link - bbcp

As you might know, I live in Canada while my home server is located in Macau. Both sides have decent internet connection: 150Mbps symmetrical in Macau, 350/100Mbps in Canada. While not crazy fast, this is fast enough for most cases, even for transferring large files. But there is a problem: I can never get this speed...

Speed test from my computer in Canada to my server in Macau via LibreSpeed. Look at that juicy ping and revolutionary upload speed...

The problem

The problem is simple: I can download from my home server somehow close to the limit (150Mbps) but I can only upload at less than 10% of theoretical upload speed, seemingly for no reason.

The investigation

I tried running speedtest from Canada to different hosts in Macau: different ISPs, my server with LibreSpeed, my server with iperf. I found that I only get good speeds when I use multiple connections: multi connection feature on Speedtest.net, iperf with LOTS of parallel streams.

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跳出原有的安排,寫個短篇。最近發現了 Radio Mobile 的軟件,原為業餘無線電愛好者的工具,但其電腦版本亦可用作電視發射站的覆蓋範圍分析。由於軟件已經極度過時,操作極為不方便,也不見得是最好的選擇,故不詳細介紹。

在此向 Radio Mobile 開發者 Roger Coude (VE2DBE)、全球地形圖 ALOS World 3D-30m (AW3D30) 提供者日本宇宙航空研究開發機構 (JAXA) 及 OpenStreetMap 貢獻者致謝。


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